Many people say, how people spend their money have a correlation with their self love. Their suppport system also play an important. Is this true? What do you think?
Nowadays, people tend to spend their money not because they simply need the product or service they bought but because for other reason. I believe that this behaviour, more or less have a correlation with their self love and support system.
Self love is about how we see ourself, and are we confident with ourself especially with our choice. This choice also including about our choice in spending our money. When people love theirself, it show a tendency that they will not spend their money just to follow others or trends that are booming. They know what their need and what their want. Need and want is different but people sometimes have difficulties to differentiate it especially when they are lack of self love. For example, eventhough it was a trend to use a nice bags from a expensive label but for people with high self love there was no need to buy it. They don't care with others think if they don't follow this trend, because they know that with or without this expensive label bag will not have a different impact on how they see themselves. Others might see them differently but it is not a problem. They just confident with theirselves.
Support system also play an important role on how people behave in their money expenditure. People have a tendency to immitate how their friends or family style to spend their money. Since they spend much of their time with their support system, they will spend their money exactly just like how their support system do. For instance, your friends used to hang out in an expensive cafe every week, you will go to that expensive cafe also to spend your money no matter if you have a money or not. You will find a way how to get money to spend there. That is how you will throw yourself to a big amount of debt.
Self love and support system correlate each other. Having a high dose of self love will lead you a better support system. On the contrary, having a toxic support system will make you have a low self love. So if you want to change your behaviour on how you manage your money, first of all, please check your level of your self love and your sorroundings (your support system). It will no use weather you have a bunch of knowledge on how to manage your money well but if you lack of your self love and have a toxic support systems.
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